The Catholic Calendar for Tuesday, August 3, 2004
Tuesday of the Eighteenth Week in Ordinary Time
Scripture from Tuesdays Liturgy of the Word:
Jeremiah 30:1-2, 12-15, 18-22
Psalm 102:16-23, 29
Matthew 14:22-36
A reflection on todays Sacred Scripture:
On bumper stickers or on other signage we often read the expression Faith Can Move Mountains. We might think this is a nice sentiment and believe the principle behind it but isnt there always that part of ourselves that puts obstacles in the way of our Faith? We come up with countless rational reasons why Faith alone will not provide for us....
When Peter began to walk on water to meet Jesus, he almost immediately became aware of his fear and the obstacle of the strong wind...and then he began to sink. Jesus calls us to have strong Faith. This Faith can work on many levels.... First and foremost were called to have Faith in Jesus and His message of eternal hope and love. When we have strong faith in His message, we walk a direct path in life. Were also called to have strong faith in ourselves, believing that with Jesus we have the power to overcome all the odds and be victorious at the end.
Today let us put our fears in their place. Let our fears not be an excuse for us to avoid living our lifes purpose. Today, let us strengthen our Faith so that all that is meant for us will come to pass.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
- Cliodhna Doyle
(clia at cliadoyle dot com)
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