The Catholic Calendar for Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Wednesday of the Twenty-fifth Week in Ordinary Time
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Proverbs 30:5-9
Psalm 119:29,72,89,101,104,163
Luke 9:1-6
A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:
When people will not receive you,
leave that town and shake its dust from your feet. (Luke 9:5)
Today's church audiences, especially those who rely on TV for spiritual uplifting and enlightenment, are accustomed to perfectly groomed preachers in well tailored suits delivering carefully composed, feel-good messages accompanied by polished musical performances. One wonders how receptive our 'moderns' would be to Christ's perspiring, dusty apostles proclaiming God's word simply, with integrity and calling sinners (all of us) to repentance and reformation of our lives.
One may also wonder why Jesus told His men to go on their mission without extra clothes, food or money, to depend for their sustenance solely on those who received them. It was necessary that they be convincing proof of their faith in the Messiah who had indeed come and who would provide care for them through those who knew and loved God. They were to make known that the Christ had come not to deliver them from hard work nor their privation from material goods. Jesus had come to offer humanity healing from its deadliest disease--sin--that which separates us from God and His love and truth, the means that make it possible for mankind to live in peace and justice.
Today's 'slick' religion deludes us into believing that it suffices if we go to church and proclaim ourselves 'saved' Christians who will automatically be welcomed into heaven. Any Christian message that does not call us to repentance, self-denial and reformation of our lives through obedience to God's Holy Spirit is a sham.
Christ, Redeemer, pour out Your Spirit of grace upon us,
that we may hear and obey Your call to Holiness. Amen.
- Marie Bocko, OCDS
(mlbocko at earthlink dot net)
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