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The Catholic Calendar for Wednesday, September 1, 2004
Wednesday of the Twenty-second Week in Ordinary Time

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
1 Corinthians 3:1-9
Psalm 33:12-15,20-21
Luke 4:38-44

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

I must proclaim the Good News of the kingdom
...for this purpose I have been sent.
(Luke 4:44)

The theme of today's Gospel asserts Christ's divine healing power that encompasses all areas of human need. In healing those possessed by demons, He restores people to psychological health, banished their bizarre behavior and restored their ability to interact normally with their environment and other people. The individual, his family and the community, having gained freedom from the oppressive force of this illness, were enabled to live in greater safety and peace.

When Jesus cured Peter's mother in law of her fever, she instantly regained her strength and sets about serving the one who freed her from her affliction. This may seem to be expecting too much from one who had just risen from a sick bed; but one who has been miraculously restored to perfect health should be given an opportunity to acknowledge and express her gratitude as best she could. The Gospels reveal other instances in which Christ praises those who express thanks to the Father God for the good He does, His loving mercies extended to them.

Christ's healing reaches perfection in His saving act which He consummated on the cross for the expiation of our sins and our restoration to God's friendship. The "good news" that He came to reveal and to spread to the Israelites and through them to the entire world, is simply that we can be healed spiritually, achieve freedom from sin through God's grace and be united now with our fellow humans in love, joy and peace and eternally with Him in heaven.

Loving Creator,
accept our heartfelt gratitude
for Your mercy toward us sinners.
May the love You give us fill us
and overflow to You and all those whom we meet.

- Marie Bocko,
(mlbocko at earthlink dot net)


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