The Catholic Calendar for Monday, October 18, 2004
Monday of the Twenty-Ninth Week in Ordinary Time
Feast of St. Luke, evangelist
Scripture from Today's Liturgy of the Word:
2 Timothy 4:9-17
Psalm 145:10-13,17-18
Luke 10:1-9
A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:
Today we commemorate St. Luke the Evangelist. The scripture from today's Liturgy leaves us with some very good thoughts about spreading the Good News given us by Jesus, the Christ, through the Holy Spirit.
The first reading today is actually part of a letter from the imprisoned St. Paul to his friend Timothy. If the life of Paul and all the saints are any example, we'll learn that the life of an evangelist is a tough one, pushing every human need to the limits of deprivation for the glory of God.
Paul was asking St. Luke to join him. We aren't told if it was because Luke was in need of medical attention or spiritual advice and friendship. Maybe it was all of the above. And perhaps this was good example set before us all: that we should be spiritually and physically supportive of one another in our evangelization of the Word of God.
We can also learn some basics for evangelists in today's Gospel: travel light (have no attachment to worldly stuff); be peaceful and share the peace of the Lord with those whom we meet; shun restlessness, live simply, allow the people of God to share their bounty; cure the sick and proclaim the Good News: "The reign of God is at hand." (see Luke 10:1-9)
- Joachim
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