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The Catholic Calendar for Wednesday, November 24, 2004
The Thirty-fourth week in Ordinary Time

St. Dung-Lac and companions, martyrs

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Revelation 15:1-4
Psalm 98:1-3,7-9
Luke 21:12-19

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

You will be hated by all because of my name,
but not a hair of your head shall be lost.
(Luke 21:17)

Reading today's Gospel, we may conclude that the cataclysms coming upon this earth are the work of a wrathful God venting His anger on His faithless, disobedient creatures. Actually, God need not lift a finger against us, for sin always brings about its own punishment. We inevitably, in due time, will either enjoy or suffer the consequences of our choices depending upon how well or poorly we live in God's truth and love. Unfortunately, and inevitably the innocent suffer along with the guilty.

History reveals that the fall of civilizations begins with an increase of sin; moral rot leads to societal disorder which, if unchecked, brings about eventual dissolution. During the process of a "downfall," hatred for and persecution of those who uphold God's living Word, Christians, increases and intensifies. Does this have a familiar ring today? But Jesus assures "believers" that though they may be reviled, terrorized, jailed or killed, they remain securely in God's hands. When He tells us "not a hair of their heads will be lost" He means that whatever is lost for God's cause, reputation, comfort or life itself, is never lost in vain when suffered in faith by grace; their abandonment to God's will reflects Christ to this world.

What of the natural disasters described by Jesus? The finger should again point at man, not God; for we who have been entrusted with this world's care have failed to obey God's laws grounded in His love and truth. Man, separated from God, Who has dominion over all, has broken the original chain of command established by Him (read Genesis); consequently, we have lost our God-given dominion over nature, causing it to fall into disharmony. It is evident that we "receive" in the measure and quality that we "give."

Blessed Lord, help us to see the harm we bring upon ourselves so that we will renew our connection with your love and truth and so live in peace, harmony and justice. Amen.

- Marie Bocko,
(mlbocko at earthlink dot net)


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