The Catholic Calendar for Saturday, December 25, 2004
Nativity of the Lord (Christmas)
Scripture from the Mass at Dawn:
Isaiah 62:11-12
Psalm 97:1,6,11-12
Titus 3:4-7
Luke 2:15-20
A reflection on today's sacred scripture:
At last the waiting is over, and light has broken through the darkness--the Son of Justice has come to expose the shady and corrupt. Into the oppression of imperial Rome upon a people called chosen, Christ who has Himself freely chosen through the action of Father and Holy Spirit to empty himself of glory and take on human flesh.
It was not abhorrent to Him, since He was Himself an agent of its creation. In the simplicity of the night in which only shepherds were alert, there came a heavenly song announcing the most profound event since the dawn of man--a Man who would set right the disobedience and pride of Adam by His humble obedience to the Father's wish. A Creator-God who would repair the damage of the first Miracle.
If kings and sages knelt in awe at the first event, what response can I stir up in my so very modern soul this day, calloused and insensitive as I am to the profoundly spiritual reality of another Christmas? What indeed except to eagerly bow my heart to His presence there, and struggle to the most intense act of faith possible, saying, My Lord and my God. More than words, more than intentions, I must embrace the Child, making a new manger of my flesh, and a new throne of my soul.
Today is but the beginning of another step toward heaven, in which I allow His divine life to flow into mine, His love to melt my hardness of heart, His energy to enliven my lethargy, and His light to guide my confused steps. What shall I do with this child, how can I ever return to mediocrity and inaction? Transform me, dear Holy Child, so that others may believe in Your presence through my devoted imitation of your every virtue and grace.
Be born in me this day, O Holy Infant God!
- Msgr. Paul E. Whitmore
(smartins at twcny dot rr dot com)
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