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The Catholic Calendar for Sunday, December 26, 2004
Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Sirach 3:2-6,12-14
Psalm 128:1-5
Colossians 3:12-21
Matthew 2:13-15,19-23

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

Hearing and Doing the Will of God

Faithful St. Joseph vigilantly listens to His beloved Lord, even while sleeping, and this most trustworthy soul is ever-ready to do what our Lord bids. The instructions to protect the life of the Son of God and His mother by arising in the middle of the night to take them to Egypt are carried out in quiet, sure, immediate obedience. St. Joseph's strength is revealed in his certain action that accomplishes God's will in all things. His humble cooperation with God facilitates His plan for salvation.

St. Joseph consistently protects and provides a safe stronghold for the conceived and growing Church of “God with us“, constructing the Holy Family by his humble obedience to God in all things. It's not the walls of a dwelling in Nazareth that best protect the infant Jesus and His mother Mary; it is the dwelling built by Joseph's sure faith, His hearing and doing the will of God in all things that preserves them. We learn from St. Joseph how to provide a fitting, soulful home for “God with us“ through faithful, prayerful, obedient lives.

Today's Gospel repeatedly reveals God speaking to St. Joseph 'asleep' pointing to this ever-vigilant protector of the Church, the incarnation of our Lord, his Son, the bride entrusted to his care, Mother Church, and each soul espoused as beloved to Christ as His Bride, the Church.

O Lord, may we strive to imitate St. Joseph's faithful obedience by vigilant prayer and service to You. Amen.

- Mary Williams


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