The Catholic Calendar for Thursday, December 16, 2004
Thursday of the Third Week of Advent
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Isaiah 54:1-10
Psalm 30:2,4-6,11-13
Luke 7:24-30
A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:
Behold, I am sending a messenger ahead of you,
he will prepare your way before you. (Luke 7:27)
Today's readings reveal that God never ceases loving us and trying to redirect toward Himself all who have strayed from the path leading to union with Him. Our Creator doesn't force Himself on anyone; "free will" allows us to say "no" to His bidding. However, note that whenever the Israelites deviated from living in His holy word, their rejection of Him blocked His power and in consequence they suffered defeat by their attackers. Each time the Israelites faced danger, God mercifully sent prophets to lead His people back to Himself. Today our greatest danger is from false prophets believed by those ignorant of Christ.
Jesus tells us that John the Baptist is the "greatest" prophet, since he is the messenger sent by God to prepare His people to receive their Messiah. God would come in human flesh to absolve them of sin and reveal to them the means of gaining new life beginning on this earth and extending throughout eternity.
We see that while those baptized by John repented of their sin when faced with God's righteousness, the unbaptized scholars and Pharisees rejected God's plan for themselves. Recall Christ declaring that the truth will remain hidden from the "learned," while mere "children" could see and accept it. Pride, self-importance and self-will all hinder our receiving eternal life, God's gift given to us in Christ.
O Blessed Lord,
we thank You for this precious gift.
We pray that Your grace
may touch the hearts of unbelievers,
that they will be converted and saved.
- Marie Bocko, OCDS
(mlbocko at earthlink dot net)
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