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The Catholic Calendar for Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Wednesday of the Third Week of Advent

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Isaiah 45:6c-8,18,21c-25
Psalm 85:9ab,10,11-12,13-14
Luke 7:18b-23

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

The question John the Baptist poses to Jesus rings out throughout all time. "Are you the one ....or should we look for another?"
(Luke 7:19) It is our question of faith. In childhood many of us assume the beliefs of our families; but in adulthood our beliefs become our own. It's when life crises occur -- deaths, accidents, lost jobs -- that we lean back on our faith as our firm foundation. That's the 'big picture'.

It's the 'small picture', the day to day faith-challenges that firm up that foundation. Though the world is basically good, we are challenged many times a day to serve other gods, the gods of fame, materialism, and dishonesty, just to name a few. Each time we say "yes" to living our Christian beliefs and "no" to other gods, we are strengthening our faith.

One can wonder why John the Baptist asked that question of Jesus after he had seen so much. Perhaps he asked the question for us!

St. John the Baptist, pray for us
that we may have a strong faith.

- Joan of Jesus,
(jmurphy at utica dot edu)


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