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Catholic Calendar for Friday, January 21, 2005
Friday of the Second Week in Ordinary Time

St. Agnes, virgin and martyr

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Hebrews 8:6-13
Psalm 85:8,10-14
Mark 3:13-19

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

He summoned those He wanted. . .

Jesus withdrew a little ways. He went up a mountain. And having established a place there, He called to Himself those who would become His voice to the world. He summoned the many disciples and from them He chose and raised to special rank the Apostles. And from that mountain stronghold of prayer He sent them forth into the world to spread the Good News of salvation and to share the presence of the Messiah.

Jesus still calls those whom He wants up the mountain. First and chief, the Priests who stand in persona Christi (in the place of Christ) at Mass and who mediate in the sacrament of reconciliation. But also the great many lay ministers whose work complements and completes that of the Priests. The Priests prepare for us the banquet of Word and Presence, but they cannot fulfill alone all aspects of the mission that we are all called.

We are evangelists, and we are helpers in the world. We are pray-ers, and we are healers. We are each called to function in the body of Christ and to bring the whole to exaltation. Jesus calls us to the quiet. He calls us to Himself. And when we listen and go, He gives us each our own commission.

So remember that no matter what your place in the Body, it is the place carved out for you because you alone were able to fill that place. Christ has summoned you and given you a special command, and a special place in which to help and nurture the entire body of Christ. Rejoice in the provisions of so generous a Savior who loves each of us for whom we are, and demands nothing of us but what our hearts long for most--a place to rest and a love that fulfills.

- JuandelaCruz
(sriddle415 at yahoo dot com)


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