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Catholic Calendar for Monday, January 31, 2005
Monday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time

St. John Bosco, priest

Scripture from Today's Liturgy of the Word:
Hebrews 11:32-40
Psalm 31:20-24
Mark 5:2-20

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

Today, we witness Christ's great power as He casts out a demon that mercilessly tormented a man for a long time. But the beauty of this gospel message is not contained totally in the miracle: much of it is found it what happened afterward:

"The man went off and began to proclaim ...what Jesus had done for him."

This, my friends, is where we find the beauty in this story. How many new believers were born because of what that man proclaimed? Maybe 1000! Maybe only one. The point is that Jesus performed this miracle not only to make this man well again, but to spread the Good News to all people.

How many of us are here today because of a miracle performed by our Lord? How many of us have been freed from depression, drugs, alcohol, sexual excess or any of the other demons which plague us today? Have we completed the work that Jesus performed in us? Have we gone off and proclaimed what Jesus has done for us?

Live the entire beauty of the Gospel - tell your story - spread the Good News!

- Don Claunch


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