Catholic Calendar for Monday, January 17, 2005
Monday of the Second Week in Ordinary Time
St. Anthony, abbot
Scripture from Today's Liturgy of the Word:
Hebrews 5:1-10
Psalm 110:1-4
Mark 2:18-22
A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:
Today's Gospel message says we should not put or sew the "new" into or onto what is "old." It seems like reasonable advice, but I wonder what did Jesus really mean?
At times like this, the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit is so essential. In fact, when we think we understand, maybe its even more imperative that we seek the Holy Spirit to illumine the truth or falsehood of our perceptions.
The Holy Spirit will never mislead us if we are determined to seek Him in truth, with humility and with perfect love and trust. The Spirit's good counsel will open our minds; the truth will become clear, the message more succinct and readily applicable.
Jesus did not come to patch up what was wrong with the ancient law--to fill in the worn out spots with new cloth--but to create a new, holy, and wholly new garment. He did not want us to just take in what He preached and taught as if we were wine skins that could be filled up with what ever new teaching might come along.
Jesus demanded that we become a new creation clothed in the garment of His love, changed creatures with a new heart living in new "skins."
- Donna Raye Nelson, ocds
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