Catholic Calendar for Monday, January 24, 2005
Monday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time
St. Francis de Sales, bishop and doctor of the Church
Scripture from Today's Liturgy of the Word:
Hebrews 9:15,24-28
Psalm 98:1-6
Mark 3:22-30
A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:
A house divided against itself will not stand
Christ's warning given two thousand years ago is just as valid today. Let's face it, the church today is divided. It's a common occurrence to see inter-and intra-denominational bickering on all sorts of things, which, at times, escalates into physical violence. We seem to be so busy battling each other that we lose sight of the true battle and the real enemy. We are divided.
Christ promised to return to His bride, the Church. But He does not want a bride broken as it is now.
So now is the time to mend the breaks, to join in unity to fight a common enemy and all his evils. And the place to start is with ourselves by ceasing our own misdirected attacks and by prayer:
Dear Lord, grant me the wisdom
to see what I have in common
with my fellow Christians,
and to overlook our differences
so I may join with them
in one common voice of praise to You,
my Almighty Father.
O Jesus, give this wisdom to all your people,
that together in unity we do your will
and become the pure, unbroken bride
anxiously awaiting your glorious return.
- Don Claunch
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