Catholic Calendar for Saturday, January 29, 2005
Saturday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Hebrews 11:1-2,8-19
Luke 1:69-75
Mark 4:35-41
A reflection on today's sacred scripture:
The reading from Hebrews is designed to stir our faith, courage, and endurance. I don't think many of us have a problem remembering difficulties along the road of our spiritual journey. While none of our past trials can equal St. Paul's, we would certainly not wish them repeated. And yet, would we be as strong or seasoned today without yesterday's challenges? No one enjoys suffering, yet most progress in the spiritual life comes through pain, sorrow, and darkness. As Jesus was strengthened in His terrible passion by the Spirit, so the same Spirit is present to us, supporting and consoling us, giving us wisdom to grow and mature.
Thus the seeds we sow of service and compassion, proclaiming the Word and forgiving the ones who offend us, help the Kingdom of God grow into that huge mustard tree Jesus talked about in the Gospel. Although in nature, many seeds are lost, in the realm of the spirit, no good action, no thought, no prayer, no suffering, is useless or void in helping the Kingdom of God come to fulness.
O Lord, help me in patience to be a seed-bearer for the kingdom, never losing courage even when my efforts are spurned or shown contempt by those who need to be converted, enlightened, and saved. Give them your grace; and for myself the strength to persevere until harvest time. Amen.
- Msgr. Paul E. Whitmore
(smartins at twcny dot rr dot com)
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