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Catholic Calendar for Saturday, January 22, 2005
Saturday of the Second Week in Ordinary Time

St. Vincent, deacon and martyr

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Hebrews 9:2-3,11-14
Psalm 47:2-3,6-9
Mark 3:20-21

A reflection on today's sacred scripture:

Our two readings today complement each other beautifully: the first emphasizes the divine nature of Jesus, the true priest and mediator, while second reading emphasizes the human nature of Jesus, connected to many blood relatives. As the "old" religion failed to take away sin, barring the people from the presence of their God in the Holy of Holies, so now Jesus, Son of God come to earth, gives free access to all people, now purified from sin by the saving Blood of the Redeemer. Their God, once remote and separated, has now become accessible and intimate as a loving Shepherd and Savior.

What a price Jesus has paid as a member of a human family. Embarrassed and fearful for this "odd" family member who stirs up the authorities by his disturbing teaching, Jesus' relatives try to keep him from public ministry. Not only are they afraid for his safety, they are also afraid for themselves should the Roman authorities take action to silence this rebel. At what price Jesus' carries out his ministry, resisted by the religious leadership and even by his own family! Saddened and heartbroken by failing to find support in those closest to him, He courageously pursues his course, finding more understanding from strangers, outcasts and sinners.

And those of us who call ourselves his chosen followers, are we as quick to defend the Christ before His modern-day detractors? Do we console His heart by our love, our loyalty, and our acts of reparation?

Dear Jesus, forgive me for my lukewarm Christian life. Am I embarrassed and afraid too?

- Msgr. Paul E. Whitmore
(smartins at twcny dot rr dot com)


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