Catholic Calendar for Sunday, January 30, 2005
The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Zephaniah 2:3; 3:12-13
Psalm 146:6-10
1 Corinthians 1:26-31
Matthew 5:1-12
A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:
Blessed.... (Matthew 5:1-12a)
Jesus reveals blessings as graces to correspond with the love beloveds gift to their BeLoved God; their I-have-Loved-you-first One, who draws all to Himself. He teaches that love that suffers with one's life for the beLoved empties self to welcome God's indwelling kingdom.
Jesus, the compassionate One takes in Himself all our suffering and invites mourners to rest in His all knowing wounds.
We learn from the I-have-Loved-you-first One, who humbles Himself to be accessible to all souls; when we are empty we possess all.
Jesus promises His grace to those who are inspired by Him and aspire to love Him truly. He is the breath of souls in Love that only the Word can feed and quench.
His tender beloving embraces whatever must be suffered to bridge redemption across what only Love can heal. One in the One we will to carry what others impose unrepented. The I-have-Loved-you-first cross bearer, Whose passion for souls suffers all in peace, inspires one to suffer with redemptive hope what may not yet be repented.
The soul that desires only the Beloved, makes ready a soul that beholds the One who desires with all He is, the simple, pure love we will to Him.
Jesus conquers all sin and restores Life, expressing victory in His first resurrected Word, "Peace." Those who tenderly suffer to redeem souls in Him are indeed begotten of Him.
The faithful one relies on grace and resists temptation and spiritual assaults to remain One with the Lord who reigns in his soul, protected by this graced and willing soul.
The I-have-Loved-you-first One who silently suffers every evil for us at the hands of sin, trusts us to share His co-redemptive suffering. Our reward is the King's reward, souls redeemed through suffering into the One Love.
O Lord,
may we love souls in You
as You have first loved us,
all in All.
- Mary Williams
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