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Catholic Calendar for Sunday, January 9, 2005
The Baptism of the Lord

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Isaiah 42:1-4,6-7
Psalm 29:1-4,9-10
Acts 10:34-38
Matthew 3:13-17

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

Cooperators with God's Grace

Jesus "entered in" to the waters of the Jordan, and "entered in" to the eyes of the soul of His beholder, John the Baptist. John in holy awe, recognizes God humbly coming to him and obediently defers to His request to cooperate.

With Jesus' entering, these waters made holy by the very presence of "God in them," become the Life-giving waters of Baptism. These holy waters also remind and recall us to God when we "enter in" through the fonts in our churches or at home where we sign ourselves with Holy Water. We "step in" with the free will He gave us, to be recreated, transformed, and made new.

Jesus, Who is pure, "enters in" to make pure and holy, the "Water" which cleanses our souls and restores them to their pure state before the original sin of man. It is holy Water coming forth from Jesus' pierced side that commingles with His precious blood of the New and Everlasting Covenant. It is the holy Water of this Very Word Incarnate, by which we never again thirst. Jesus is the Life-Giving Water Who baptizes and sustains us. Jesus elicits from the bosom of heaven the Holy Spirit confirmed by the Father's voice as His Son whom He beloves and with whom He is well-pleased.

O Lord, may we cooperate, disposing our wills to You at all times with whatever You ask, so that Jesus may "enter in" to recreate, transform and make all things new. Amen

- Mary Williams


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