The Catholic Calendar for Thursday, March 31, 2005
Thursday in the Octave of Easter
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Psalm 8:2,5-9
Acts 3:11-26
Luke 24:35-48
A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:
In His name, penance for remission of sins
is to be preached to all nations. (see Luke 24:47)
We are all aware that words can exert great power over our attitudes and behavior. What we're not aware of is that whatever choices we make spring from only two possible sources: we can simply satisfy our own "wants" and self-desires; or we can look beyond ourselves to seek the good of others by allowing God's truth and love to guide our choices.
Today's readings affirm certain basic principles that apply universally and if followed sincerely, could reverse the self-destructive, downward spiral of human history as it preys on one another with evermore deadly weapons.
- Christ, the holy One of God, the living Word of the Father, died for our sins to cancel our debt to God incurred by our many heinous offenses against Him. He rose from the dead to offer us the knowledge and ability to walk in a new life of justice and peace.
- Man's purpose for existence and his ultimate destiny is to live blessed lives on this earth by living in God's holy Word, in the love and truth of God revealed to us by Jesus Christ.
- We who sincerely seek and accept the gift of new life through faith in Christ will be anointed by God's Holy Spirit Who teaches and empowers us to live Christ-like lives.
The glory of Easter Sunday was not intended to be a one-day celebration revealing God's glory and His love for us. Humanity was created to spend their entire lives in the joy of this day if they would only choose to live selflessly, free from sin and fully alive to God.
O Blessed Lord,
send forth Your Spirit upon us.
- Marie Bocko,
(mlbocko at earthlink dot net)
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posted by joachim at 4:20 AM