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The Catholic Calendar for Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Wednesday in the Octave of Easter

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Acts 3:1-10
Psalm 105:1-4,6-9
Luke 24:13-35

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

". . . He was made known to them in the breaking of the bread."
(Luke 24:35)

When the unthinkable happens in our lives, we search for meaning and hope, trying to understand the message certain events can have for us. When life contravenes most cruelly the expectations we have, we can become lost and despondent. This was the case for Cleopas and his fellow-disciple on the road to Emmaus.

We can each walk that road at different intervals in our lives. Meeting Jesus on the road to Emmaus helped the disciples understand the significance of the recent events and how important these events were in fulfilling God's plan. Yet, only in the breaking of the bread with Jesus did their eyes open, and did they recognise Him for who He really was.

Through the Eucharist we really come to know and see Jesus. As Jesus grows in us, we grow in understanding and become seekers and reflectors of truth. Through the Eucharist our blindness dissipates and sees things as they really are.

Today, let us rejoice in the risen Lord and His gift to us of His precious Body and Blood, forever keeping us in His love and truth.

- Cliodhna Doyle
(cliadoyle at hotmail dot com)


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