The Catholic Calendar for Wednesday, March 9, 2004
Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Lent
St. Frances of Rome, religious
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Isaiah 49:8-15
Psalm 145:8-9,13-14,17-18
John 5:17-30
A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:
Ask 100 people on the street to name three of the most tender, loving pieces of literature and see how many would even consider the Bible as one of the three. We know of course, that scripture is much more than literature and for that reason some might not think of mentioning it; but over and over one is struck with the gentle, loving statements of Christ and the prophets. Today's first reading is such an example.
Though we are asked to focus on conversion from our old ways during this penitential season of Lent, it is easy to get caught up in a cycle of psychological self-floggings instead of looking up toward Christ who opened His arms in the ultimate gift of love on Good Friday. Our own pride can enter in, where we become so self-centered on trying to make ourselves holy and worthy that we miss the obvious fact, that yes, we are sinners.
Christ forgives our sins and now is waiting for us to open ourselves to His love. In the first reading from Isaiah we hear "Even should a mother forget you, I will never forget you." What more assurance do we need! What a promise! Let us begin or continue our journey both toward and in Love.
Sacred Heart of Jesus,
consume us.
- Joan of Jesus, OCDS
(jmurphy at utica dot edu)
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posted by joachim at 5:15 AM