The Catholic Calendar for Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Tuesday of the Third Week of Easter
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Acts 7:51--8:1
Psalm 31:3-4,6-8,17,21
John 6:30-35
A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:
The problems of the world seemed to be crashing down around me. I called for help.
My Pleading:
O my Lord, why am I so weak? Why must I always need a sign? Why am I always asking for proof? Why am I so like those who, 2000 years ago, wanted a miracle so they could believe? Why am I like Thomas and refuse to believe unless I see? My Lord and Savior, I know in my heart that You are the bread of life, that You are the fountain of living water that quenches a killing thirst. When my life is easy, I need no proof; when times get rough I beg for a sign that You are here, that You are with me. So, why, Lord, do I search so?
And He Answered:
You are My brother, My son, My loved one, part of My bride the Church, and like a brother, son, loved one and bride I cannot, and never will, abandon you. My beloved, you do not need proof, nor a sign. You need Me and that is truly what you seek. Like I waited for My servant Stephen, who gave all for me, I am standing here for you, arms outstretched, ready to hold you close to me. Like My Father did for the chosen wandering in the desert, I too will feed you for I am the Bread of Life. Come taste My pure, Refreshing Water. The troubles of the world are but momentary. My love is eternal. My resurrection is your sign, come to Me.
And as He spoke to me in the Holy Scripture we read today, I was comforted and He confirmed to me again that He is real, He is here and He is always!
Amen. Thank You O Lord, my God.
- Don Claunch, SFO
(dlclaunch at bresnan dot net)
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posted by joachim at 8:08 AM