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The Catholic Calendar for Saturday, May 7, 2005
Saturday of the Sixth Week of Easter

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Acts 18:23-28
Psalm 47:2-3,8-10
John 16:23-28

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

Apollos, in today's Reading, like so many of us, was fervent in faith and truly committed to the Lord. Yet, his knowledge of the teaching of Jesus was limited. He needed a guide. Fortunately, a wonderful husband and wife team was available. Priscilla and Aquila took Apollos under their wing, brought him home, sat him down to a good meal, and proceeded to update him on Jesus' teaching. After that, he was much more effective in his own teaching.

There are many husband and wife teams in the Church who let the light of their love for each other and for Christ to spill over into the Church, to strengthen the Church with the power of their own marriage bond. Those of you who are married may well ask, "Am I and my spouse sharing what God has given us with others?" "How may we do this in our own circumstances?"

As we prepare for the great feast of Pentecost, let us daily implore the Holy Spirit to come in increasingly greater power into a world in crisis. As the Spirit dramatically changed the face of the earth on that first Pentecost, let us implore Him to work new miracles of grace in us, that we may more effectively witness to the Truth that brings justice and peace to individuals and nations.

- Msgr. Paul E. Whitmore
(smartins at twcny dot rr dot com)


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