The Catholic Calendar for Saturday, June 11, 2005
Saturday of the Tenth Week in Ordinary time
St. Barnabas, apostle
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Acts 11:21-26; 13:1-3
Psalm 98:1-6
Matthew 5:33-37
A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:
This gospel always strikes me when I hear it. In some ways the message could be viewed by many as a subtle issue, but as Jesus is telling us, one that we must be careful of.
How many times do we tell someone we will do something when we really dont mean it? Maybe we want to escape a situation or look good to the person or others? How many times do we tell someone yes or no when we don't mean it. Maybe to be accepted, or so we dont create conflict, or are caught in an uncomfortable situation.
Jesus is telling us our words are powerful, and that we will be held accountable for how we choose to use them. During the week lets all be more cautious in how we speak. We must not let the Evil One influence or take advantage of our tongues.
- Steve Shawl
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posted by joachim at 4:41 AM