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Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of the faithful!
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The Catholic Calendar for Sunday, June 12, 2005
The Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Exodus 19:2-6
Psalm 100:1-5,5
Romans 5:6-11
Matthew 9:36--10:8

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

The Sacred Heart of Jesus is moved....
Ask the Master to send laborers for His harvest.
(see Matthew 9:36-10:8)

Jesus’ sacred, loving heart is moved with pity as he beholds so many souls “troubled and abandoned, like sheep without a shepherd.” “The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few.” He reveals the solution is to “ask the Master of the harvest to send out laborers for His harvest.”

Jesus’ heart is moved.

One’s own heart is exceedingly moved as one considers the heart of one’s Be-Loved so moved. Intently, one listens to this most Sacred Heart of Jesus, with the adoring, beholding tenderness of a one who is first loved, and seeks to correspond with a generous, most beautiful love.

Jesus’ heart is moved.

It is moved through love....

...with pity.

And so, Jesus reveals that while souls are “troubled, abandoned”, for lack of Love’s labor,
one need only ask....

“Ask the Master of the Harvest
to send laborers
for His Harvest.”

He reminds His beloveds that we have been gifted with His salvation in Love and we are to likewise extend this gift freely in Love.

The Good Shepherd leads through those who conceive His gift of love in the wombs of their souls and covenantly remain in unitive Love with God, to give the Life of His Be-Loving to others.

O Most Sacred Heart,
let us satisfy You Who are so moved
to relieve souls longing for You.
May we pray to the Master of the Harvest
to send generous laborers for His Harvest.
May our own Love bear the fruit of Life
through a fertile labor with You in Love.

- Mary Williams


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