The Catholic Calendar for Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Wednesday of the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time
Sts. Peter and Paul, apostles
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Genesis 16:1-12;15-16
Psalm 106:1-5
Matthew 7:21-29
A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:
The liturgical readings for today are powerful on this feastday of two giants of the Church, Saint Peter and Saint Paul. Mixed into the readings we see however, a gentle, caring God. When Peter was imprisoned and the faithful prayed for his freedom, an angel appeared and assisted Peter in an escape. It is worthy of note that the angel asked Peter to first put on his belt and sandals, and then his cloak. Scripture tells us that the very hairs on our head are numbered, that God knows us intimately, including all our needs. Would most of us take time to gather our clothing and dress when we were fleeing from the fate of death.? The angel instructed Peter to do so, thus meeting his intimate needs. Who can say that God does not care about our every need!
At the conclusion of the gospel we hear Christ eliciting an act of faith from St. Peter. He then gives to Peter the 'Keys to the "Kingdom of Heaven" making reference to the sacrament of Penance... "Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth it shall be loosened in heaven." (Mt. 16:19) One can wonder if the choice of readings today points us toward the wonderful spiritual opportunity of the Sacrament of Penance to clothe ourselves with innocence, with the Blood of Christ poured out for our salvation, before we return again, as did Peter, to our task at hand, to continue building up the Kingdom of God.
Saints Peter and Paul, clothe us with the Blood of Christ!
- Joan of Jesus, OCDS
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posted by joachim at 4:56 AM