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The Catholic Calendar for Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Wednesday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time

St. Paulinus of Nola, bishop
St. Thomas More, martyr
St. John Fisher, bishop and martyr

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Genesis 16:1-12;15-16
Psalm 106:1-5
Matthew 7:21-29

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

In today's gospel reading we are warned to be on guard against false prophets. At first these seem to be troublesome words. It implies that we can be fooled by those who might claim to be the message bearers of God.

Lord, how will we know who is genuine and who is a fraud? You have warned us that even the elect will be fooled by the AntiChrist. How then, dearest Lord, will I a sinner not be fooled?

Thankfully our loving Father never expects anything of us without giving us every grace to accomplish what he asks. In this and in all cases he has given to us the power of his Holy Spirit to have the wisdom to discern good from evil - truth from deception.

If we will but call on the power of that Holy Spirit to infuse our minds with the light f God's grace, we can be assured that we will be able to know the difference between false and authentic prophets.

With the help of the Spirit we will see the fruits of goodness and recognize clearly the difference between truth and lies. Can't we see the difference between an apple and an onion?

For our part we must avail ourselves of the wisdom and light of the Spirit, by faithful prayer, solemn commitment to follow Jesus and a firm resolve to put into action the saving message that we have learned.

Dearest God, I thank you for the gift of your Son; His saving crucifixion and the flawless example he left us to follow. I praise you for the Gift of the Holy Spirit the Spirit of Truth, the Consoler. Let me cling to you Blessed Trinity so that on the day of your glory I might be not be cast away from your loving presence.

- Donna Nelson,


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