The Catholic Calendar for Sunday, June 5, 2005
The Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Hosea 6:3-6
Psalm 50:1,8,12-15
Romans 4:18-25
Matthew 9:9-13
A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:
Many sinners came and sat with Jesus. I desire mercy
and have come to call sinners. (Matthew 9:9-13)
Our humble Lord beckons Matthew and receives every willing soul, through His reign of mercy, to feast with Him. It is one who knows the truth of ones sins, and who is willing to respond to His call that is willing to be remade in His inviting image. Willingness to be freed from the dark, hideous, semblance of sin allows Jesus to re-form, to resemble us in His very image and likeness. Jesus draws those in need of re-formation to feast on the Bread of salvation, the Word Incarnate, to become Who is consumed, the Savior, a most inviting, humble, merciful healer.
One does as Matthew, and invites all who will to be reformed to the Banquet of salvation. Only those who are famished for the Bread of the Word, the Bread of Life, Who gives His flesh for the Life of the world, are empty enough to take Him in. Satisfied and filled with Life, one hastens to feed others on He Who makes all things new. Mercy brings souls to feast on Him and re-forms the willing soul into His image.
Lord, may we readily follow your invitation and bring many souls to feast on You, our Bread Who is Life. Amen.
- Mary Williams
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posted by joachim at 5:59 AM