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The Catholic Calendar for Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Wednesday of the Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time

St. Lawrence, deacon and martyr

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
2 Corinthians 9:6-10
Psalm 112:1-2,5-9
John 12:24-26

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

Some very basic and important principles are covered in our readings for today. First, the obvious, discussed in the gospel. If anyone is to call themselves a Christian , they must follow Christ. We find this even in the secular world. If you call yourself a member of an organization you are expected to carry out the mission of that organization. Why would this even be brought up? Perhaps it is because a person might be doing good works for reasons other than those proposed by Christ. One might have inappropriate motives, such as to make themselves look better in the public eye. One could elaborate on this.

'Burnout' is a popular word these days. People who get very involved in their work and/or community ventures may feel pulled in too many directions at once. The first reading assures us that God will provide the means for us to continue 'sowing the seed'. We do not need to worry about coming up 'empty'. Common sense is called for however. We need to meet our first obligations first, such as to our family, our jobs and our own health. It takes living a balanced life of prayer, devotion to our families and work -- and yet time for ourselves. God needs us to be attentive to Him, so that He can nourish us. Sometimes it takes awhile to get comfortable with this balance, but it is important to work at it.

O Lord, help me to find the balance,
so that your seed in me
can produce much fruit for your Kingdom.

Joan of Jesus,


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