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The Catholic Calendar for Saturday, October 22, 2005
Saturday of the Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary Time

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Romans 8:1-11
Psalm 24:1-6
Luke 13:1-9

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

Today's readings are all about "Flesh" and "Spirit" -- about "Sin" and "Freedom." As listeners to this discourse by St. Paul, we are definitely convinced that the life of freedom in the Spirit is definitely the better choice than slavery to the flesh.

It seems so obvious. But, of course, experiencing the pull of the flesh (meaning sin in all its forms) even as soon as fifteen minutes after hearing this scripture reading it and being swayed by it, we know how fickle human nature really is. "The spirit (meaning OUR spirit) is willing, but the flesh is weak" expresses the human condition. What is so remarkable is that Jesus, the Second Person of the Trinity, took on our human nature with all its tendency to sin. Remember that St. Paul says that Jesus took on sinful flesh. That implies that Jesus allowed himself to experience the effects of Original Sin. Though Jesus was sinless Himself, He allowed this terrible power to exert influence on His thoughts and His feelings!


O Jesus, Your emptying Yourself of divinity was the greatest proof of Your love. I will never doubt Your love again! How close I feel to You now, because You know what my temptations are like. You can understand my shame at being so impatient, insensitive, unforgiving, and selfish. This thought makes Your absolution in the Sacrament of Penance all the more precious. You really understand me, don't You!

Yes, I accept Your Spirit, and will gladly sacrifice my will, my desires, my plans to Your will, Your desires, and Your plans for me. Amen.

- Msgr. Paul Whitmore


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