The Catholic Calendar for Thursday, October 20, 2005
The Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary Time
St. Paul of the Cross, priest
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Romans 6:19-23
Psalm 1:1-6
Luke 12:49-53
A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:
"I have come to set the earth on fire...." (Luke 12:49)
Those well informed in world history and current events see that people remain divided and conflicted along varied lines--political, religious, moral, racial, ethnic, etc. St. Paul's letter to the Roman converts to Christianity deals with healing the breach between the all-holy God and sinful man. His implication is that accepting and living in the Divine Word, Jesus Christ, is the only way all humanity can be united and at peace with God and one another.
In today's Gospel Jesus reveals that He has been sent into this world to set it free through God's purifying and transforming love to be ministered to man through the Holy Spirit. But before this can take place, Jesus said He must suffer the "baptism" of death for the remission of human sin and also offer us His new, resurrected life so that all may be reunited with our heavenly Father. Ironically, Jesus also tells us that His saving act will also serve to create further divisions on this earth; for man's "free will" always remains operative.
It is human pride and ignorance that hinder our seeing the need to die to our personal sins and being born again to live in a Christlike manner. Many are too comfortable and self-satisfied while exercising their free will, "doing their own thing." The truth is that they are like dull-witted sheep, attracted by the many different voices of this world's "trendsetters." The latter noisemakers, for power, pleasure and profit, lure the unaware into a false sense of freedom by providing them with an endless line of options and distractions, focusing them on self rather than God, the only Source of all good.
Saving Lord, enkindle within our hearts the desire to be imbued with Your blessed life. May we truly reflect Your goodness in this world, that all may share in the joy only You can give.
- Marie Bocko, OCDS
(mlbocko at earthlink dot net)
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posted by joachim at 4:18 AM