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The Catholic Calendar for Saturday, November 12, 2005
Saturday of the Thirty-second Week in Ordinary Time

St. Josaphat, bishop and martyr

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Wisdom 18:14-16; 19:6-9
Psalm 105:2-3, 36-37, 42-43
Luke 18:1-8

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

Today's Gospel narrates a powerful parable about persistence in prayer and courage in pursuing justice. The widow is completely fearless about the harm the corrupt judge could inflict on her for pursuing justice. The judge is impressed and a bit afraid of this stubborn woman who will NOT take no for an answer. There are few forces more powerful than a righteous cause when championed by a truly inflexible promoter. And the judge, corrupt as he is, gives in and grants her request.

The lesson is clear: we must not give in too easily to apparent failure of the Lord to answer our prayers. God may be testing us, finding out just how strong our faith really is. Implied in this story is the criticism that we give up too quickly in our petitioning, either because of fear of making God angry, or out of lack of conviction that prayer really does make a difference.

God loves to hear His children seek His beneficence and His mercy. With renewed courage and determination, let's take this parable literally to heart, and be convinced that God loves to hear his people cry to Him.

St. Josaphat, the saint of the day, earnestly sought for reconciliation between the Church at Rome and the Eastern churches. So convinced was he of his cause, that he bravely gave his life in witness. He was bodily thrown into the river and drowned. Perhaps we need another courageous witness in our time to bring out reconciliation between the Holy Roman Catholic Church and the Russian Orthodox Church. A martyr's blood is often the price of true peace.

Msgr. Paul Whitmore
(smartins at frontiernet dot net)


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