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The Catholic Calendar for Monday, December 26, 2005
Monday within the Octave of Christmas

Feast of Saint Stephen, first martyr

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59
Psalm 31:3cd-4, 6 and 8ab, 16bc and 17
Matthew 10:17-22

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

You will be hated by all because of my name.
(From Mt 10:17-22)

As baptized ones in Him, we graciously bear the most Holy name of Jesus, Who is the Pure, Perfect, Sacred, and the only acceptable sacrifice, offered up for the redemption of souls. We who are one in Him, and remain in Him, join in His sacrificial giving of self for the salvation of souls. Recalling Jesus’ transforming words - “Peace be with you” - following His resurrection as He appeared in the midst of the fear and grief that paralyzed His disciples, Jesus dispatches all who are one in Him to embrace this inheritance, His victorious cross, in the course of our daily faithfulness.

This day following the celebration of the birth of our long awaited Savior wisely points to the martyrdoms that await His beloved. Families will divide, men will misspeak and persecute, we will be handed over, scourged and put to death “…all because of my Name.” This is our share in He Who is the salvific gift we receive and hasten to bestow to others. The gift of Life is the giving up of our very life through, with and in Him.

O Lord, we know our inheritance is to be handed over because of our union in You. Help us to gently and tenderly embrace our daily cross and persecutions without worry. Appear when our minds and souls are locked by our fear and grief and commend to us your “Peace” so we may be dispatched without fear knowing the Spirit of our Father will speak through us. Let us commend joyfully, into Your most loving hands, the gift of our spirits offered up for You. Amen.

- Mary Williams


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