The Catholic Calendar for Monday, December 12, 2005
Monday of the Third Week of Advent
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Zechariah 2:14-17
or: Revelation 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab
Responsorial Psalm 113:1-8
or: Judith 13:18bcde, 19
Gospel: Luke 1:26-38
A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:
Let Christ be Who is Seen.... (cf: Luke 1:26-38)
Oh Beauty-full Word -- Gods Word, we belovingly behold You with our souls eyes, and You beget in us a rejoicing spirit. Your Holy Spirit favors us to conceive You, our beloved Savior and only begotten Word. And filled with this present of Your Holy Presence, our souls magnify the Lord, the Holy One, now indwelling, Who is the One alone we long to have seen.
And You guide us saying, Do not be afraid. For nothing is impossible with our omnipotent God Whose glorious good we now hasten to bestow. Graced as monstrances and tabernacles, dispatched in charity, we bring His Word to life as good news.
Oh, see how waiting souls leap with joy in His presence, anticipating their beloved Word. Yes, what they notice from this begetting as joy exchanged, is the presence of the Most High. And what reply must resound from the lips of the Christ bearer?
My soul, doth magnify, the Lord
We learn from her, the most pure ark, tabernacle and monstrance, His spouse, queen, mother, and faithful beloved; His dream is this for each pure, and willing soul. We learn how to love Him our Love, from Her; and when we belove Him in this way, He sees in us, His bride.
O Word of joy,
from whence springs
hunger-satisfying peace.
O Breath, Life, and Truth,
transfigure us;
bless, break, and dispatch us
to feed those hungering, thirsting,
beloveds with the most Holy Bread of Your Presence.
Yes, let Christ be Whom they receive in us.
- Mary Williams
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posted by joachim at 4:14 AM