The Catholic Calendar for Monday, January 16, 2006
Second Week in Ordinary Time
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
1 Samuel 15:16-23
Psalm 50:8-9,16-17,21,23
Mark 2:18-22
Let us enter into the presence of God and reflect:
In today's first reading we discover again humanity's folly in doing what we desire and think is best and not the Will of God. Sin has so marred our reasoning that we act like creatures who have only temporal needs. What is even worse we act like it is because of our own ingenuity and efforts that we are able to provide for them.
We repetitively forget and ignore the fact that all we have and all we are able to accomplish is a direct result of God's gracious goodness. We forget also that God demands and expects us to be obedient and submissive to Him.
Over and over, Holy Scripture demonstrates the consequences of disobedience and calls us to change our errant ways.
Let us then pray for the grace to heed and benefit from the lessons recounted for our own good in Holy Scripture. Let us bow humbly under God's Almighty yet gentle hand, confident that the Lord will protect and sustain those who revere and obey Him.
- Donna Nelson, OCDS
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posted by joachim at 4:22 AM