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The Catholic Calendar for Monday, January 23, 2006
Third Week in Ordinary Time

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
2 Samuel 5:1-7, 10
Psalm 98:1-6
Mark 3:22-30

Let us enter into the presence of God and reflect:

Whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit is guilty of an everlasting sin and will never have forgiveness
(Gospel Mark 3:30)

Jesus is accused of casting out demons by the power of the prince of demons, Satan. Reminding all that a house divided against itself cannot stand, Jesus goes on to say that all sins and blasphemies can be forgiven save the sin of blaspheming against the Holy Spirit.

This sin alone is an everlasting sin and will never be forgiven.

Sobering words from our beloved Lord remind one that the Holy Spirit of God is capable of achieving only good. The Holy Spirit of God is a most sacred and irrefutable force for love. Re-classifying and re-identifying this work of the most Holy Spirit of God as the work of the evil one, the Prince of Darkness, Satan, blasphemes God's most pure and perfect love at work.

One must never mis-take the intention of God, His very Spirit at work for good and for life in Him. Acknowledging the Holy Spirit is an objective Truth, never to be denied. One has a "free will" to cooperate with or reject this grace-filled good, and to remain in baptized union with God. The objective Good of the most Holy Spirit is True and perfect.

O most Holy Spirit of God, may we always acknowledge You in Truth and honor you in all You are about. Grace us to protect, preserve, and present You to a world of waiting souls who long for Your Truth in the darkness of that which discourages, denies and deflects Your goodness at work. May we who are one in You, represent You in Truth and identify Your good purely to all who come to know you through us. Amen.

- Mary Williams



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