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The Catholic Calendar for Saturday, January 28, 2006
Saturday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time

St Thomas Aquinas, priest and doctor of the Church

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
2 Samuel 12:1-7, 10-17
Psalm 51:12-17
Mark 4:35-41

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

“Who then is this whom even wind and sea obey?”

Who indeed? Surely you have asked yourself the question from time to time? Who is Jesus?

We know that He is the son of God. We know that He is savior. We know that He is present to us in the Eucharist and in the Word. We know a lot about Him, but what we think we know is utterly insufficient. We must become like the disciples.

We must learn to know Jesus as friend, companion, teacher, guide, brother, Lord and God. We come to this by slow steps, but St. Teresa of Avila taught that to know Jesus as man and God was to enter into God's embrace. To learn who God really is we must embrace the humanity of Jesus Christ. That's a powerful and hard teaching. Most of us look to Jesus as God and forget that He was also human. We don't deny it, but we seem to overlook it. Sometimes in a homily or in a book we are reminded that there were times when He was frightened, sad, angry, joyous--there were times when He experienced every facet of the human existence.

So, to come to answer the question “Who then is this whom even wind and sea obey?” we must be able to embrace both the divinity and the humanity. We need to learn to love Jesus in all that He is before we can begin to truly love Him for all that He has done for us. Who then is this? He is the only One, true man and true God, the eternal before all things. And He is the One who loves us.

- JuandelaCruz
(sriddle415 at yahoo dot com)


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