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The Catholic Calendar for Thursday, January 5, 2006
St. John Neumann, bishop

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
1 John 3:11-21
Psalm 100:1b-2, 3, 4, 5
John 1:43-51

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

There is a general feeling of movement in the readings of today. In the Gospel, we read of Christ going to Galilee for the purpose of finding Philip to recruit him. What an awesome thought, the Son of God seeking someone out! He does it all the time however with us. He is always reaching out to us in a loving way to help Him in the building up of the Kingdom!

The first reading focuses on the philosophy we need underneath all we do for others. St. John points out that when we see a brother in need and we have the means to assist that person, it is necessary that we first have compassion for that person, then we can perform our deeds. He says "let us not love in words and speech, but in deeds."
(John 1:43-51)

In our fast-paced world where much of our giving is done on a routine basis, via mail, our acts of 'charity' might lose that component of compassion. Our giving can become like paying any other 'bill.' In so doing, we can fail to see, or even seek, the face of Christ in those who have needs! What a loss for us!

"St. John Neumann, pray for us"

- Joan of Jesus,
(jmurphy at utica dot edu)


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