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The Catholic Calendar for Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Tuesday of the Second Week in Ordinary Time

St. Anthony, abbot

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
1 Samuel 16:1-13
Psalm 88:20-22, 27-28
Mark 2:23-28

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

In today's First Reading we hear the scripture passage that reminds us that God doesn't judge as we judge, His ways are not our ways. It's a thought that fascinates me and one that I try to keep in mind. For one thing it makes me more cautious about the conclusions I draw and secondly it makes me anxious to know even more about God and what He really is like.

Often, I find myself longing to know with certainty, as we might in heaven, some of the things we "think" we know here on earth. I've really thought alot about this scripture passage that I'm writing about today, and I feel convinced that we’re in for some big surprises about how things are with God.

Though I live my life in hopeful expectation of heaven, I have much hope, even here on earth, that God will share some of His "secrets.” I’m sure, because that's how love is -- that He wants to share freely and fully; and as the inscription on the inner ring of my wedding band says: “Deus Caritas Est” -- that is: God Is Love!

Praise to You Lord Jesus Christ, King of Endless Glory!

- Donna Nelson,
OCDS (drn3rd at hotmail dot com)


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