The Catholic Calendar for Friday, February 24, 2006
Friday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word
James 5:9-12
Psalm 103:1-4, 8-9, 11-12
Mark 10:1-12
A reflection on today's Scripture. . . .
"What God has joined together,
no human being must separate." (see Mark 10:9)
Human relationships were ordained by God to be forged and bound together by the fire of God's love, the very love that unites the Trinity in one true God.
In an era of minimalist religion and "good enough" attitudes, many have lost sight of the very heart of the Gospel. Yes, we are forgiven and restored to friendship with God through Christ's sacrificial giving of Himself to expiate our sins; but this is only half the story. Our Triune God invites us to a deep intimacy with Him by giving us, through His Holy Spirit who indwells us, the means to grow in holiness and eventually achieve union with Him.
What is this union He desires with us? It is purely a work of grace, His final step in healing the breach created by the first Adam. It is effected through our assent and cooperation as we progressively surrender our self-will and allow His will to prevail in our lives. As we are emptied of our selfish ways, Christ's Spirit fills the void with God's own life,and so we are enabled to love as He loves. The fruit of this process is visible in the quality of our relationships with others.
Marriage, seen from God's perspective revealed by Christ, is not a mere legal partnership to be broken should the union prove difficult or unprofitable. It is a sacred call to men and women to participate in His love in fulfillment of His holy plan. They are to form mutually self-giving, nurturing pairs, joined for life to work out together their salvation; that is, they are to actually exhibit Christ's life in this world under His guidance and protection. Marriage was intended by God to provide a loving, stable, life-giving nucleus for future generations, not an exercise in the self-gratification it has become for so many.
Heavenly Father,
enable us by Your grace
to surrender ourselves wholly to You
that we may participate in the joy,
peace and genuine freedom you give us
when our human relationships are forged
by Your love.
- Marie Bocko, OCDS
(mlbocko at earthlink dot net)
(reprinted from 5/23/97)
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posted by joachim at 4:22 AM