The Catholic Calendar for Monday, February 13, 2006
Monday of the Sixth Week in Ordinary Time
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
James 1:1-11
Psalm 119:67-68,71-72,75-76
Mark 8:11-13
A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:
In today's first reading we learn how God allows afflictions and trials so that we might have the opportunity to grow in faith. It is a lesson that is easy to talk about and offer to those who are burdened, but quite another thing to live it.
The Cross of Jesus stands before our eyes as the perfect example of redemptive suffering. Though Divine, Jesus shared our humanity and knew what it was like to suffer in body and spirit. In doing so he gave us an example that can strengthen and sustain us in times of suffering and persecution.
Look at Jesus: He is the model of obedience, submission, docility and faithfulness to the will of the Father. We too can overcome trials by taking on Christ -- His heart, His ways.
Let us pray then to keep the image of the suffering, obedient Jesus before our eyes. What God did not withhold from His Son, He will not withhold from us -- both the suffering and the glory of the Cross.
- journeymann
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posted by joachim at 4:26 AM