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The Catholic Calendar for Monday, February 20, 2006
Monday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
James 3:13-18
Psalm 19:8-10, 15
Mark 9:14-29

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

The Responsorial Psalm for today gives us some very uplifting thoughts that greatly assist us on our spiritual and temporal journey. Primarily, it declares how wonderfully God provides for His people. His commands and precepts are not meant to be burdensome, but liberating!

Anyone who has been associated with someone who has been enslaved by any kind of addiction and has overcome the deadly habit understands what freedom being "clean" affords! There is no more lying, conniving, cheating and all the consuming negative attitudes and behavior that once dominated every facet of living -- only behavior and attitudes that promote wholeness wellness, worthwhileness. This is what God's laws intend -- for us never to be enslaved!

And who did God included in His plan of freedom? It wasn't meant for the learned and wise as Holy Scripture says, but for those who are like children. Today the Sacred Word says: "to the simple.

Let us then uncomplicate our lives and use a "sure-fire program" to obtain wisdom, peace of mind and freedom by letting the "Precepts of the law," refresh our soul and give clarity to our eye.

"Let Your face shine on Your servant, and teach me Your laws."
(Ps 119:135)

- Donna Raye Nelson,
(drn3rd at hotmail dot com)


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