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The Catholic Calendar for Friday, March 24, 2006
Friday of the Third Week of Lent

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Hosea 14:2-10
Psalm 81:6-11, 14, 17
Mark 12:28-34

A reflection on today's Scripture. . . .

"Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is Lord alone!"
(Mark 12:29)

Today's first reading affirms God's everlasting, loving mercy toward sinners. Hosea emphasizes God's readiness to forgive His people's transgressions and heal the wandering hearts of those who repent and work to reform their lives. This is the dominant theme of all the prophets' exhortations which Christ reiterated in His teachings. God never turns away a contrite soul. Let us keep in mind that Christ paid a great price to win the forgiveness and salvation of all humanity. Dare we then deny our forgiveness to others?

Events in the world today are testing humanity's willingness to forgive those creating havoc by terrorizing and murdering innocents. Our temptation is to strike back; and when we cannot personally do so, we expend our anger, prejudice and hatred toward entire groups, religions or nations. What we fail to see is that our hardened hearts actually block God's loving mercy from reaching these needy and lost souls. Hatred only spawns further hatred, whereas our sincere prayers for those we view as enemies will open a channel for God's grace to flow toward them to touch their hearts with His love. Unforgiveness and hunger for revenge and power are the greatest obstacles to world peace.

Christ in today's Gospel reveals our only means to develop loving and forgiving hearts, obedience to the first Commandment. We are to be wholly devoted to God to gain a knowledge of Him so that He may imbue our hearts with His genuine, totally self-giving love. Apart from God and in a "fallen" state, humanity's ability to love truly and unselfishly is grossly impaired. History attests to this.

Father God, open our hearts to receive the Holy Spirit to teach and guide us that we may be transformed in the image of Your loving Son Who gave His life to save us. Amen.

- Marie Bocko,
(mlbocko at earthlink dot net)


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