The Catholic Calendar for Sunday, March 19, 2006
Third Sunday of Lent
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Exodus 20:1-17
Psalm 19:8-11
1 Corinthians 1:22-25
John 2:13-25
A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:
Our readings for this Sunday are heavy with righteous anger calling us to justice. In the first reading, we have Moses coming down the mountain bearing the ten commandments of a new covenant. They had been fused in fire and smoke on two stone tablets. (As you recall, Moses in anger broke the first two stone tablets. Only later did God provide a second set). The first three commandments told the people that there is only one God, and Him alone should they worship every seventh day. If they were faithful to God, then the other seven commandments, commanding right relationships with their neighbor, would be easy.
Just as Moses had displayed righteous anger because of the peoples injustice, so we witness the righteous anger of Jesus toward the Jews of his time for their lack of respect for His Fathers house. What a scene He creates, overturning tables, driving people and animals helter-skelter in all directions! Once He has cleaned house, He himself takes possession of the temple, and begins to teach the people. Of course, the Pharisees object at once, demanding a sign that he has authority to do these things. What a sign he gave! Destroy this temple (meaning His Body), and I will rebuild it in three days. Only when he broke through the rock of his tomb on Easter Sunday, did even his apostles understand what he meant.
What a heavy lesson for our Lenten journey! But thats what is so great about Lent. It brushes away the cobwebs, and disperses the fog of uncertain faith or cowardly compromise. It puts more fervor in our prayer, more teeth in our penances. It definitely humbles our pride when we realize that the gentle, loving Christ can get tough in the face of sin and disloyalty. So lets do some real housekeeping in the temples of our own souls as we prepare to accompany the Lord in His Passion and Death.
Dear Lord, stir in my soul just a fraction of that burning love for us which made your sacrifice possible!
- Msgr. Paul Whitmore
(smartins at frontiernet dot net)
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posted by joachim at 6:00 AM