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The Catholic Calendar for Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Tuesday of the Second Week of Lent

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Isaiah 1:10, 16-20
Psalm 50:8-9, 16-17, 21, 23
Matthew 23:1-12

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

Does it ever seem to you that the state of the world, as far as holiness is concerned, is in such a downward spiral, much like a freight train traveling at great speed with so much weight behind it, that it cannot easily be stopped? Even if it could be halted, it would take considerable time and would travel considerable distance before finally coming to a standstill, not to mention the destruction of everything on the track in its way.

Such thinking is not very optimistic, nor perhaps, even helpful. Yet, unfortunately, it's prevalent and even understandable. How can a person of faith counter this tendency toward negativity and hopelessness?

The answer is given to us by God in the words of Sacred Scripture. Over and over again we're instructed and encouraged; but we'll never know it unless we pick up the Sacred Word and read it.

I'm reminded that God's Word is a gift; and like a gift, it must be received. That's something only we can do; only we can choose to receive the gift, to open it and use it. To be receptive to the healing words of God is our job; God has done His part, He has been the generous giver of everything that is good.

Let us then, especially in this time of Lenten grace, avail ourselves of the Lord's gifts. Let us receive with joy the promised Good News.

"Come now, let us set things right, says the Lord.
Though your sins may be like scarlet,
they can become as white as snow.
Though they be crimson red,
they may become white as wool."
(Isaiah 1:18)

- Donna Nelson,
(drn3rd at hotmail dot com)


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