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The Catholic Calendar for Monday, April 17, 2006
Monday in the Octave of Easter

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Acts 2:14, 22-33
Psalm 16:1-2a and 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11
Matthew 28:8-15

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

After Jesus' resurrection, the priests and Pharisees feared that word would get out that the body of Jesus inexplicably disappeared. This would be witness to the testimony Jesus gave prior to His death. This fear of losing their power and status led the Pharisees to pay the soldiers who guarded Jesus' tomb to lie. Their love of money and their choice to tell a lie was very damaging and divided the Jewish people.

After Peter received the Holy Spirit, he had the courage and strength to speak the truth freely. Inspired by the Holy Sprit, Peter gave his first homily. The Jews who were assembled in Jerusalem for the Passover celebration heard the truth and the wonders of Jesus' life and death. Peter's message freed those who were transformed by the Holy Spirit; so much so, that over three thousand were baptised.

We too are called to make a difference, to proclaim the truth through word and action. Therefore it is always important to pray to God the Holy Spirit, so that we might reject temptation. Living the Truth in our lives, as was the case with Peter, we too might be transformed and unite those around us.

- Danielle


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