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The Catholic Calendar for Friday, May 5, 2006
The Third Week of Easter

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Acts 9:1-20
Psalm 117:1-2
John 6:52-59

A reflection on today's Scripture. . . .

"Just as...I have life because of the also the one who feeds on me will have life because of me."
(John 6: 57)

We humans cleverly devise ways of surmounting or delaying a variety of natural conditions. But so focused are some on physical matters--safety, comfort, health, beauty, and longevity--that they neglect spiritual preparation for the inevitable encounter with our all-holy God. Though God despises sin, His love for sinners is boundless. Were this not so He would not have given His Son in sacrifice to deliver us from spiritual death and eternal separation from Him.

To more fully understand today's Gospel we should read all of John, chapter 6. The people Jesus fed in the wilderness had followed Him, and He told them they sought Him for the wrong "bread." In verse 48 He declares that He is "the bread of life," the supernatural food He offers to nourish our souls. He adds that His "flesh is true food and [His] blood true drink;" at this, many unable to comprehend this mystery, left Him. Peter, speaking for those Jesus had chosen, said that He was the holy one sent by God who had the words of eternal life; there was no one else to whom they could go.

Two major truths are suggested in this reading. On one level, if we accept God's Word and learn to live by His teachings, that is, assimilate Him into our very beings, we will have life eternal. On another level, Jesus foreshadows His death and resurrection, His giving of Himself fully to humanity in "broken bread and poured out wine," the Eucharistic sacrifice He offered His followers at the last supper and carried forth until this day in our Mass. When we receive Him sacramentally with total faith and resolve to live in Him, we receive His grace to strengthen and hearten us on this sometimes difficult journey of life.

Loving Father, imbue us with the same sacrificial courage and self-giving love that enabled Your Son to become our Savior, giver of eternal life, so we may make Him visible on earth. Amen.

- Marie Bocko,
(mlbocko at earthlink dot net)


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