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The Catholic Calendar for Monday, May 22, 2006
Monday of the Sixth Week of Easter

St. Rita of Cascia, religious

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Acts 16:11-15
Psalms 149:1-6. 9
John 15:26--16:4

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

". . . the Lord opened her heart to pay attention to what Paul was saying."
(see Acts 16:14)

In today's first readings, we meet Lydia -- a believer in God and a "dealer in purple cloth.” An intriguing woman who was in the right place, at the right time, with the right heart. Purple is a rare colour often associated with royalty. It also carries the attributes of power, nobility, luxury, extravagance, independence, creativity and femininity. Dyed purple cloth must have been an expensive commodity in ancient times and Lydia was likely wealthy. We are told that members of her household were baptized along with her - so she probably had servants. Lydia likely inspired their conversion through her contagious and joyful faith -- energized and alive with the Holy Spirit.

Paul encountered Lydia at the "place for prayer.” Prayer involves more than just talking to God; more important than what is said in prayer, is what God says to us. It is what enables us to act with faith, compassion, quiet patience and great love – just as Lydia did. She responded to the Gospel by opening not just her heart, but her home. She gave hospitality, not because she felt like it, but because it was needed.

Lydia was a woman of prayer, who listened and opened her heart. She was obedient to her baptismal call to be a herald of hope, united to the Lord Jesus, Who is the source of all hope. God can do amazing things through men and women who are prepared to seek Him, to follow Him and to be obedient to His call. For we are only limited by the smallness of our own vision and ambitions.

"Love to pray. For prayer gives a clean heart.
And a clean heart can see God."
(Mother Teresa of Calcutta)

- Anne

(anne97 at gmail dot com)


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