The Catholic Calendar for Thursday, May 25, 2006
Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord
(today is a Holyday of Obligation - please read this)
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Acts 1:1-11
Psalm 47:2-3, 6-7, 8-9
Ephesians 1:17-23
Mark 16:15-20
A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:
Today the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord into Heaven. It must have been a day of mixed emotions for the apostles. Christ had told them that He must return to the Father and that soon the Holy Spirit would be with them. He also reassured them that He was preparing a place for each of them, but yes, He must leave and they would no longer enjoy His physical presence.
We have not lived in such an era, enjoying the physical presence of Christ; yet we recall that He said He is always with us, even to the end of time. Christ is also present to us in the Holy Eucharist. We can receive His Precious Body and Blood. Even the apostles did not enjoy that opportunity until the Last Supper. The angels of God also don't have that ability! Christ has also promised that the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, would be with us. In the meantime, Christ has prepared a place in heaven for each of us.
It is reassuring to keep all of this in mind as we begin again to prepare for the coming feast of Pentecost.
- Joan of Jesus, OCDS
(jmurphy at utica dot edu)
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posted by joachim at 4:35 AM