The Catholic Calendar for Monday, July 17, 2006
Monday of the Fifteenth Week in Ordinary Time
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Isaiah 1:10-17
Psalm 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21 and 23
Matthew 10:34--11:1
A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:
Of the readings we ponder upon today, we get hit right square in the eyes with the truth of Jesus' message! God does not listen to or feel the love of man through empty religious practices and rituals. We pray morning and night, attend Holy Mass weekly or daily, yet engage in evil deeds away from these forms of worship to Our Lord.
We do these things, celebrate Our Lord's Passion and Resurrection, but do we truly have love in our hearts? Do we judge our brother or friend before or after prayer? Do we become selfish after daily Mass in the Lord? Do we pray with our hearts, or do we just mindlessly mumble words thinking God will answer us?
Do we always ask Jesus for things to be done our way, or do we give Him praise and thanksgiving for what wondrous deeds He has done for us in uniquely surprising ways? These are some of the thoughts we can ponder while reflecting on the reading from the Prophet Isaiah.
Jesus extends these notions in the Gospel of Matthew. Jesus did not come to give a relaxing party of love, He came to challenge us to leave our pagan ways behind, and take up our cross and follow Him. Jesus calls us, especially in this age, to become outward disciples. Some are called to dramatically live His messages in Consecrated Religious Life and Holy Orders. Others are to lead by example as laity. We are all called to live Jesus' challenge to us.
- Alicia
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posted by joachim at 4:10 AM