The Catholic Calendar for Monday, July 3, 2006
Monday of the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time
St. Thomas, apostle
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Ephesians 2:19-22
Psalm 117:1bc, 2
John 20:24-29
A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:
"Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed." (John 20:29)
Today's gospel is about Thomas the Apostle and his doubts. Even though he had heard Jesus speak about his upcoming death and resurrectionThomas still doubted. Even though the other followers were gloriously living the alleluia of Jesus' resurrectionThomas still doubted. And consequently, doubt imprisoned him in the dark grief and horror of Christ's agonizing crucifixionall Thomas' hope remained dead and buried in the silent, stone-cold tomb where they had laid his beloved Master's broken body. It was Thomas' devastating disappointment and confusion that let doubt blind him from seeing God's ultimate purpose for Christ's deathChrist's resurrection and salvation for the whole world!
Jesus' life taught us that loving God is doing and trusting in His will. Sometimes God's will is not always our will. We want to be free and able to do just what we want to do, and have things work out just the way we want them to. Sometimes we don't understand why things don't work out as we planned. Even though we know that God's plan for us is greater than anything we can possibly imagine for ourselveswe still have doubts!
But just like Thomas, we are given a chance to believe again. For us today, that same opportunity is present, but in a different way. We are invited to touch Jesus and to believe that He is alive in our everyday lives no matter how bleak and difficult things may seem. Doubt is not the opposite of faith because to have doubts does not mean that you do not believe. Overcoming doubt and fear are an essential part of the journey. Overcoming doubt and fear is how were able to see Christ more clearly and share in His glorious victory!
- Anne
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posted by joachim at 4:36 AM